The world of ad design is incredible these days, with so many talented artists who have mastered multiple disciplines in design. Studios like Ars Thanea and Saizen Media create some of the most incredible advertisements I’ve ever seen, and even individual designers are turning out designs that normally would have taken years to create.
The level of detail in some advertisements goes above and beyond the norm. The details add a sense of uniqueness, depth, and a “look again” factor that can help create quite an effective ad.
Check out these insanely detailed ad designs:
Discovery Channel – Life by Ars Thanea
Woodworker by Glazyrin
Mio GPS by Hock
Beach Park by creattica
Advertising by Jean Lemoigne
Level Design by Romeu e Julieta
McDonald’s by Nicolas Lasaffre
Discovery Channel Thrill of Discovery by Ars Thanea
Toyota Camry by creattica
Eco Bottle by ishbu