
Photography tips and tricks

It’s time for some tips & tricks on how to shoot better and more interesting photos.
In my opinion, is one of the best photography resources out there. Below I have listed a few interesting articles from their site that will teach you how to master your equipment and make you a better photographer.

Where to focus in landscape photography

Where should I focus when taking a Landscape Shot?
When shooting a normal landscape image it is normal to attempt to keep as much of the image in focus as possible…
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Move your camera to create motion blur

One of the most common tips that are given in photography tutorials is to ’secure your camera’. Usually the method is by attaching your camera…
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Simplify your images

Many images suffer as a result of there being too much detail included in the shot and end up being cluttered and with too many points of interest…
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When is Manual Focus Better than Auto Focus?

Modern day Digital Cameras present photographers with an ever increasing array of Automatic and Semi Automatic shooting mode…
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Taking Unfocused Photos

Beautifully sharp and detailed images are something we all aspire for in the majority of our shots – I know I do…
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Rule Of Thirds

Perhaps the most well know principle of photographic composition is the ‘Rule of Thirds’. It’s one of the first things that budding digital…
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